What’s it all about?
The London Green Hackathon is an opportunity to meet great developers and sustainability experts as we help out our planet with some innovative coding. Come along, solve problems, and invent new ideas and applications that help address climate change.
We’ll have thought leaders from the sustainability and climate change field laying out what they think the big challenges are, and we’ll also be making all the data in AMEE freely accessible as well as many other relevant data sources. As well as getting to make things, you’ll learn a ton about the pressing issues of climate change, the challenges for organisations to reduce their impact, and the data that could help.
What is a hackday anyway?
A hackday is an opportunity for software developers, designers, and others to come together to build something for fun, outside the normal pressures of business, clients, and users. They are innovation powerhouses, where every idea adds something new. Sometimes the hacks can go on to do very well, but most people take part for the reward of just having built something that they think is great!
If you want more, the lovely people at Rewired State explain it very well…
Intellectual Property
Any IP you create at the event is your own. You can release it open source, keep it to yourself, whatever you want. If you join a team with others, it’s up to you to sort out the IP issues between you. The London Green Hackathon organisers make no claim on any IP you create, though we will talk about the presented work far and wide and might use images of it (unless you specifically ask us not to).